--- title: "sqlFunctions-Doc" output: html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 2 --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` --- ## sqlDropLast ### Description Removes from Database the last (or the amount specified) entry. ### Usage sqlDropLast(conn, tablename, droplast=1) ### Arguments Argument|Description ---|--- conn|connection handle returned by odbcConnect. tablename|character: a database table name accessible from the connected DSN. droplast|the amount of lines to be removed from the table strating from tail. By default, it removes only 1 line. ### Details Removes from Database the last (or the amount specified) entry. ### Value Invisibly for success (and failures cause errors). ### Examples ```r dta<-odbcConnect("test") sqlDropLast(dta, "TableTest") ``` ### Function ```r sqlDropLast<-function(conn, tablename, droplast=1){ table<-sqlFetch(conn, tablename) table<-table[1:(nrow(table)-droplast),] sqlSave(conn, table, tablename = tablename, safer = F) } ``` --- ## sqlInitizalize ### Description Loads required libraries and gets the db location. ### Usage sqlInitialize() ### Arguments Argument|Description ---|--- ### Details Loads required libraries and gets the db location from "ruta_database.R" file. ### Value Invisibly for success (and failures cause errors). ### Examples ```r sqlInitialize() ``` ### Function ```r sqlInitialize<-function(){ library(tidyverse) library(RODBC) library(openxlsx) ## Conexión a la base de datos source("ruta_database.R", encoding = "UTF-8") } ```