- \name{md2csv}
- \alias{md2csv}
- \title{md2csv}
- \usage{
- md2csv(text, rm_blank =T)
- }
- \arguments{
- \item{text}{An md text that you want to convert to csv. Note that you must eliminate the line that separates title from the rest.}
- \item{text}{Bolean to specify if you want to remove spaces or not.}
- }
- \description{
- This function converts an Markdown (md) table into csv format.
- }
- \examples{
- text<-"|Letter|Number|
- |A| 1|
- |B| 2|
- |C| 3|
- |D| 4|
- |E| 5|
- |F| 6|
- |G| 7|
- |H| 8|
- |I| 9|
- |J|10|"
- md2csv(text)
- }