\name{ggheatmap} \alias{ggheatmap} \title{ggheatmap} \usage{ ggheatmap(df, x=NULL, y=NULL, value=NULL, grouping="mean") } \arguments{ \item{df}{A data frame in "long" format.} \item{x}{The variable that will be used for X axis in the heatmap. If not specified, the first column will be used.} \item{y}{The variable that will be used for Y axis in the heatmap. If not specified, the second column will be used.} \item{value}{The variable that will be used for colouring the heatmap. If not specified, the third column will be used.} \item{grouping}{The function that will be used to group if there is more than one observation for each X-Y combination. "mean" or "median" are posible, defaulting to "mean".} } \description{ Generates a heatmap using ggplot for a dataframe. } \examples{ library(tidyverse) df<-data.frame("pats"=paste0("PAT", 1:20), "CytA"=rnorm(20,5), "CytB"=rnorm(20,5),"CytC"=c(rnorm(5,10),rnorm(5,5),rnorm(5,10),rnorm(5,5)),"CytD"=rnorm(20,5),"CytE"=c(rnorm(5,10),rnorm(5,5),rnorm(5,10),rnorm(5,5)),"CytF"=rnorm(20,5),"CytG"=c(rnorm(5,10),rnorm(5,5),rnorm(5,10),rnorm(5,5))) %>% gather(Cyt, Value,-pats) head(df) ggheatmap(df) }