diff --git a/invivos/app.R b/invivos/app.R deleted file mode 100755 index 820db34..0000000 --- a/invivos/app.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,588 +0,0 @@ -library(shiny) -library(ggplot2) -library(reshape2) -library(openxlsx) -library(dplyr) -library(car) -library(ggbeeswarm) -library(gtools) -library(gridExtra) -source("../../funcions.R") -library(survminer) -library(survival) - -# Define UI for application -ui <- fluidPage( - - #Navbar - navbarPage("Seguimiento in vivos", - tabPanel("Diseño", - sidebarPanel( - fileInput(inputId = "file_sizes", label = "Hoja de tamaños", multiple = F), - selectInput(inputId = "measure_sys", "Sistema de medida", selected = "L-W-D", choices = c("L-W-D","Min-Max","Absorbance")), - uiOutput('ncages'), - uiOutput('lowcut'), - uiOutput('upcut'), - uiOutput('goButton'), - uiOutput('iterations'), - downloadButton("downloadData", "Descargar Excel") - ), - mainPanel( - plotOutput("firstPlot"), - plotOutput("distPlot") - ) - ), - tabPanel("Análisis", - sidebarPanel( - fileInput(inputId = "file_analy", label = "Hoja de análisis", multiple = F), - selectInput(inputId = "vacc", "Experimento de Vacunación", selected = "No", choices = c("Sí","No")), - sliderInput("cutoff", "Cutoff para Survival", min=100, max=1500, step=50, value=750), - checkboxInput("filter_stats","Filtrar Estadística") - ), - mainPanel( - h3('Ratones'), - tableOutput('ntable'), - h3('Cinéticas'), - plotOutput('cin_group'), - plotOutput('cin_indiv'), - plotOutput('survival', height="800px"), - h3('Estadística'), - verbatimTextOutput('stats'), - tableOutput('tab_stats') - )), - tabPanel("Exportar", - sidebarPanel(width=2, - h3('Seleccionar figura'), - selectInput("fig_id", "", selected="", choices=c("Cinética Grupo", "Cinética Individual", "Survival")), - h3('Formato'), - sliderInput("width", "Ancho", min=1000, max=20000, step=1000, value=10000), - sliderInput("height", "Altura", min=1000, max=20000, step=1000, value=6000), - textInput("colors", label="Colors", value=""), - sliderInput("errorbar-width", "% Ancho errorbars", min=0.05, max=1, step=0.05, value=0.05), - sliderInput("point-size", "Tamaño puntos", min=1, max=10, step=1, value=3), - sliderInput("font-size", "Tamaño textos", min=5, max=30, step=1, value=11), - checkboxInput(inputId = "legend", label = "Mostrar llegenda", value = T), - selectInput("theme", "Seleccionar Tema", selected="BW", choices=c("BW", "Default", "Classic")), - downloadButton("downloadPicture", "Exportar") - ), - mainPanel( - uiOutput("expPlotUI") - ) - ) - ) - - ) - -# Define server logic required to draw a histogram -server <- function(input, output) { - - # Diseño - dades<-reactiveValues() - dades$taula<-NULL - dades$groups<-NULL - dades$db<-NULL - observe({ - if (!is.null(input$file_sizes)){ - dades$taula<-read.xlsx(input$file_sizes$datapath, sheet = 1) - dades$groups<-read.xlsx(input$file_sizes$datapath, sheet = 2)[,1] - } - }) - output$firstPlot <- renderPlot({ - observeEvent(dades$taula, {}) - if (!is.null(dades$taula)){ - ggplot(dades$taula, aes(x="1", y=Volumen))+geom_quasirandom(width=0.2) - } - }) - - output$iterations<-renderUI({ - if (!is.null(dades$taula)){ - sliderInput("iterations", "Iteraciones", min=100, max=2000, step=100, value=100) - } - }) - output$lowcut<-renderUI({ - if (!is.null(dades$taula)){ - sliderInput("lowcut", "Corte inferior", min=0, max=1000, step=5, value=0) - } - }) - output$upcut<-renderUI({ - if (!is.null(dades$taula)){ - sliderInput("upcut", "Corte superior", min=0, max=1000, step=5, value=400) - } - }) - output$goButton<-renderUI({ - if (!is.null(dades$taula)){ - actionButton("goButton", "Selecciona") - } - }) - output$ncages<-renderUI({ - if (is.null(dades$taula)){ - sliderInput("ncages", "Cajas", min=1, max=10, value=1) - } - }) - grafic<-eventReactive(input$goButton,{ - df<-dades$taula - up_cuttof<-input$upcut - low_cuttof<-input$lowcut - df<-df[df$Volumen < up_cuttof & df$Volumen > low_cuttof,] - df["Mouse"]<-gsub("[a-zA-Z]", "", df$MouseID) - - s<-shapiro.test(df$Volumen)[[2]] - - ngroup<-length(dades$groups) - - ind.list<-list() - pval.list<-list() - lvn.list<-list() - test.list<-list() - for (data in 1:input$iterations){ - interr=T - while(interr == T){ - ind<-sample(rep(dades$groups, each=7), length(unique(df$Mouse))) - df_temp<-merge(df, data.frame("Mouse"=unique(df$Mouse), "group"=as.factor(ind))) - interr<-any(table(df_temp$group) < floor(nrow(df_temp)/5) | table(df_temp$group) > ceiling(nrow(df_temp)/5)) - } - ind.list[[data]]<-df_temp[,c("MouseID","group")] - lvn.list[data]<-leveneTest(Volumen ~ group, data = df_temp[,3:4])[[2]][1] - if (s < 0.05){ - k<-kruskal.test(df_temp$Volumen,df_temp$group) - test.list[data]<-k[[1]][1] - pval.list[data]<-k[[3]][1] - }else{ - res.aov<-aov(Volumen~group, data=df_temp) - pval.list[data]<-summary(res.aov)[[1]][[5]][1] - test.list[data]<-summary(res.aov)[[1]][[4]][1] - } - } - - index<-which(unlist(lvn.list) == min(unlist(lvn.list)[which(unlist(pval.list) %in% sort(unlist(pval.list), decreasing = T)[1:20])])) - df_def<-merge(df, ind.list[[index]]) - dades$db<-df_def - - ggplot(df_def, aes(group, Volumen))+ - geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = F)+ - geom_jitter(width=0.25)+ - geom_point(stat="summary", color="blue", size=3)+ - lims(y=c(0,max(df_def$Volumen)+10)) - }) - output$distPlot <- renderPlot({ - observeEvent(dades$taula, {}) - if (!is.null(dades$taula)){ - grafic() - } - }) - - output$downloadData <- downloadHandler( - - filename = function() { - paste("invivo", ".xlsx", sep="") - }, - content = function(file){ - ncages<-input$ncages - nrat_cage<-5 - id_tumors<-c("L","R") - timepoint<-c(7,10,13,16,19,22,25) - - if (!is.null(input$file_sizes)){ - template<-expand.grid(dades$db$MouseID, timepoint) - colnames(template)<-c("MouseID", "Timepoint") - template<-template[order(template$Timepoint, template$MouseID),] - template<-merge(template, dades$db[c("MouseID", "group")]) - if (input$measure_sys == "L-W-D"){ - template<-rbind(template, template, template) - template<-template[order(template$Timepoint, template$MouseID),] - template["TS"]<-rep(c("TS-Length", "TS-Width", "TS-Deep"), nrow(template)/3) - dtemplate<-dcast(template, MouseID+group+TS~Timepoint) - dtemplate<-dtemplate[mixedorder(as.character(dtemplate$MouseID)),] - } - if (input$measure_sys == "Min-Max"){ - template<-rbind(template, template) - template<-template[order(template$Timepoint, template$MouseID),] - template["DPV"]<-rep(c("Major", "Minor"), nrow(template)/2) - dtemplate<-dcast(template, MouseID+group+DPV~Timepoint) - dtemplate<-dtemplate[mixedorder(as.character(dtemplate$MouseID)),] - } - dtemplate<-dtemplate %>% add_column(.after="MouseID", "ID tumor"=dtemplate$MouseID)%>% rename(`ID animal`=MouseID) - dtemplate["ID tumor"]<-gsub("[[:digit:]]","",dtemplate$`ID tumor`) - dtemplate["ID animal"]<-gsub("[LR]","",dtemplate$`ID animal`) - dtemplate[,5:ncol(dtemplate)]<-"" - }else{ - template<-expand.grid(LETTERS[1:ncages], 1:5, id_tumors, timepoint)[,-2] - colnames(template)<-c("Cage", "ID tumor", "Timepoint") - nids<-length(id_tumors)*length(timepoint) - template[order(template$Cage),"ID animal"]<-rep(1:(nrow(template)/(nids)), each=nids) - template<-template[order(template$Timepoint, template$Cage, template$`ID animal`),] - template["Group"]<-"" - if (input$measure_sys == "L-W-D"){ - template<-rbind(template, template, template) - template<-template[order(template$Timepoint, template$Cage, template$`ID animal`, template$`ID tumor`),] - template["TS"]<-rep(c("TS-Length", "TS-Width", "TS-Deep"), nrow(template)/3) - dtemplate<-dcast(template, Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group+TS~Timepoint) - } - if (input$measure_sys == "Min-Max"){ - template<-rbind(template, template) - template<-template[order(template$Timepoint, template$Cage, template$`ID animal`, template$`ID tumor`),] - template["DPV"]<-rep(c("Major", "Minor"), nrow(template)/2) - dtemplate<-dcast(template, Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group+DPV~Timepoint) - } - dtemplate[,6:ncol(dtemplate)]<-"" - } - write.xlsx(dtemplate,file) - } - ) - - # Análisis - analysis<-reactiveValues() - analysis$taula<-NULL - analysis$taula_def<-NULL - observe({ - if (!is.null(input$file_analy)){ - analysis$taula<-read.xlsx(input$file_analy$datapath, sheet = 1, check.names = F, sep.names = " ") - } - }) - output$ntable<-renderTable({ - if (!is.null(input$file_analy)){ - observeEvent(analysis$taula, {}) - stattest<-"dunn" - oneside<-"" - cutoff<-750 - - table<-analysis$taula - if ("ID.animal" %in% colnames(table)){table<-rename(table, "ID animal"=`ID.animal`)} - if ("ID" %in% colnames(table)){table<-rename(table, "ID animal"=ID)} - if ("ID.tumor" %in% colnames(table)){table<-rename(table, "ID tumor"=`ID.tumor`)} - # table[table$ID.tumor == "R","0"]<-NA - col_nodays<-c("ID", "Cage","Group", "ID.animal","ID animal", "ID.tumor", "ID tumor", "TS","DPV", "Absorbance") - if (length(grep(0, colnames(table)[!colnames(table) %in% col_nodays])) == 0){ - table["0"]<-0 - } - table<-melt(table, id=colnames(table)[colnames(table) %in% col_nodays], variable.name = "Timepoint") - table$Timepoint<-gsub("[A-Za-z ]","",table$Timepoint) - if ("DPV" %in% colnames(table)){ - table<-dcast(table, Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group+Timepoint~DPV, value.var = "value") - table$Major<-table$Major/1000 - table$Minor<-table$Minor/1000 - table["Volume"]<-((table$Major*table$Minor*table$Minor)*(pi/6))*1000 - } - if ("TS" %in% colnames(table)){ - table<-dcast(table, Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group+Timepoint~TS, value.var = "value") - table["Volume"]<-table$`TS-Deep`*table$`TS-Length`*table$`TS-Width`*pi/6 - } - if (!"Volume" %in% colnames(table)){table<-rename(table, "Volume"=value)} - table<-table %>% filter(!is.na(Group)) - table$Timepoint<-factor(table$Timepoint, levels=mixedsort(as.numeric(as.character(unique(table$Timepoint))))) - analysis$taula_def<-table - table_plot<-dcast(dcast(table %>% filter(!is.na(Volume)), `ID animal`+Group+Timepoint~., value.var = "Volume", fun.aggregate = mean), Group~Timepoint) - table_plot - } - }) - output$cin_group<-renderPlot({ - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - observeEvent(analysis$taula_def, {}) - table<-analysis$taula_def - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - ggplot(table, aes(as.numeric(as.character(Timepoint)), Volume, color=Group, group=Group))+ - geom_errorbar(stat="summary", width=0.05)+ - geom_line(stat="summary")+ - geom_point(stat="summary")+ - facet_grid(factor(`ID tumor`, labels = c("Vaccination", "Rechallenge"))~., scale="free_y")+ - labs(x="Days after tumor challenge")+ - scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)))+ - scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)), limits = c(0, (round(max(as.numeric(as.character(table$Timepoint))) / 5)+1)*5))+ - theme_bw() - }else{ - ggplot(table, aes(Timepoint, Volume, color=Group, group=Group))+ - geom_errorbar(stat="summary",width=0.05)+ - geom_line(stat="summary")+ - geom_point(stat="summary")+ - labs(x="Days after tumor challenge")+ - scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)))+ - theme_bw()+ - theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) - } - - } - }) - output$cin_indiv<-renderPlot({ - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - observeEvent(analysis$taula_def, {}) - table<-analysis$taula_def - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - ggplot(table, aes(as.numeric(as.character(Timepoint)), Volume, color=Group, group=`ID animal`))+ - # geom_errorbar(stat="summary", width=0.05)+ - geom_line()+ - geom_point()+ - scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)))+ - scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)), limits = c(0, (round(max(as.numeric(as.character(table$Timepoint))) / 5)+1)*5))+ - facet_grid(factor(`ID tumor`, labels = c("Vaccination", "Rechallenge"))~Group, scale="free_y")+ - labs(x="Days after tumor challenge")+ - theme_bw() - }else{ - ggplot(table, aes(Timepoint, Volume, color=Group, group=`ID animal`))+ - # geom_errorbar(stat="summary", width=0.05)+ - geom_line()+ - geom_point()+ - scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)))+ - # scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)), limits = c(0, (round(max(as.numeric(as.character(table$Timepoint))) / 5)+1)*5))+ - facet_wrap(.~Group)+ - labs(x="Days after tumor challenge")+ - theme_bw()+ - theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) - } - } - }) - - output$survival<-renderPlot({ - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - observeEvent(analysis$taula_def, {}) - table<-analysis$taula_def - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - g<-list() - for (side in c("L","R")){ - tableR<-filter(table, `ID tumor` == side) %>% filter(!is.na(Volume)) - endtime<-dcast(tableR %>% filter(Volume < cutoff), Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group~., value.var = "Timepoint", fun.aggregate = function(x){max(as.numeric(as.character(x)))}) %>% rename("end"=".") - endtime["Dead"]<-dcast(tableR, Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group~., value.var = "Volume", fun.aggregate = function(x){max(as.numeric(as.character(x)))}) %>% pull(".") > input$cutoff - table_tumor<<-endtime - - g[side]<-ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(table_tumor$end, table_tumor$Dead) ~ table_tumor$Group, data=table_tumor), - pval = T, pval.method = T, - title = side, - # legend.labs = paste(c("< median", ">= median"), "MICA"), - ggtheme=theme_classic(base_size=15) - # conf.int = TRUE, - # Add risk table - # risk.table = TRUE, - # tables.height = 0.2, - # tables.theme = theme_cleantable(), - - # Color palettes. Use custom color: c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF"), - # or brewer color (e.g.: "Dark2"), or ggsci color (e.g.: "jco") - # palette = c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF") - ) - } - do.call(grid.arrange, g) - - }else{ - tableR<-table %>% filter(!is.na(Volume)) - endtime<-dcast(tableR %>% filter(Volume < cutoff), `ID animal`+Group~., value.var = "Timepoint", fun.aggregate = function(x){max(as.numeric(as.character(x)))}) %>% rename("end"=".") - endtime["Dead"]<-dcast(tableR, `ID animal`+Group~., value.var = "Volume", fun.aggregate = function(x){max(as.numeric(as.character(x)))}) %>% pull(".") > input$cutoff - table_tumor<<-endtime - - g<-ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(table_tumor$end, table_tumor$Dead) ~ table_tumor$Group, data=table_tumor), - pval = T, pval.method = T, - # legend.labs = paste(c("< median", ">= median"), "MICA"), - ggtheme=theme_classic(base_size=15) - # palette = c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF") - ) - g - } - } - }) - - output$stats<-renderPrint({ - stattest<-"dunn" - oneside<-"" - cutoff<-750 - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - observeEvent(analysis$taula_def, {}) - table<-analysis$taula_def - if (input$vacc == "No"){ - table<-filter(table, !is.na(Volume)) - summary(aov(Volume~Group+Timepoint+Error(`ID animal`), data=table)) - }else{ - for (side in c("L","R")){ - tableR<-filter(table, `ID tumor` == side) %>% filter(!is.na(Volume)) - if (length(unique(tableR$Volume)) > 1 & length(unique(tableR$Timepoint)) > 1){ - print(paste0("Side: ",side)) - # print(summary(aov(Volume~Group+Timepoint+Error(paste0(ID animal,Cage)), data=tableR))) - print(summary(aov(Volume~Group+Timepoint+Error(`ID animal`), data=tableR))) - } - } - } - } - }) - output$tab_stats<-renderTable({ - stattest<-"dunn" - oneside<-"" - cutoff<-750 - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - table<-analysis$taula_def - table_stats<-list() - if (input$vacc == "No"){ - table<-table%>%filter(!is.na(Volume)) - if (length(unique(table$Volume)) > 1){ - table_stats<-multi_stats(table, "Volume", "Timepoint", "Group", stat.test=stattest) - } - table_kw<-as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)) - for (point in unique(table$Timepoint)){ - len_group<-length(unique(table %>% filter(Timepoint == point) %>% pull(Group))) - if (len_group > 1){ - table_kw<-rbind(table_kw, data.frame(point,kruskal.test(table %>% filter(Timepoint == point) %>% pull(Volume), table %>% filter(Timepoint == point) %>% pull(Group))[3][[1]])) - } - } - colnames(table_kw)<-c("Timepoint", "KW-p.val") - table_stats<-merge(table_stats, table_kw) - - }else{ - for (side in c("L","R")){ - tableR<-filter(table, `ID tumor` == side) %>% filter(!is.na(Volume)) - if (length(unique(tableR$Volume)) > 1){ - table_stats[[side]]<-multi_stats(tableR, "Volume", "Timepoint", "Group", stat.test=stattest) - } - table_kw<-as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)) - for (point in unique(tableR$Timepoint)){ - len_group<-length(unique(tableR %>% filter(Timepoint == point) %>% pull(Group))) - if (len_group > 1){ - table_kw<-rbind(table_kw, data.frame(point,kruskal.test(tableR %>% filter(Timepoint == point) %>% pull(Volume), tableR %>% filter(Timepoint == point) %>% pull(Group))[3][[1]])) - } - } - colnames(table_kw)<-c("Timepoint", "KW-p.val") - table_stats[[side]]<-merge(table_stats[[side]], table_kw) - } - } - table_stats_def<-bind_rows(table_stats, .id = "ID tumor") - if (input$filter_stats == T){ - table_stats_def %>% filter(p.adj < 0.05) - }else{ - table_stats_def - } - } - }) - - output$expPlotUI<- renderUI({ - observeEvent(analysis$taula_def, {}) - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - plotOutput("expPlot", width=paste0(input$width/10,"px"), height = paste0(input$height/10, "px")) - } - }) - - output$expPlot <- renderPlot({ - observeEvent(analysis$taula_def, {}) - if (!is.null(input$file_analy) & !is.null(analysis$taula_def)){ - table<-analysis$taula_def - - if (input$fig_id %in% c("Cinética Grupo", "Cinética Individual")){ - if (input$fig_id == "Cinética Grupo"){ - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - g<-ggplot(table, aes(as.numeric(as.character(Timepoint)), Volume, color=Group, group=Group))+ - scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)), limits = c(0, (round(max(as.numeric(as.character(table$Timepoint))) / 5)+1)*5))+ - facet_grid(factor(`ID tumor`, labels = c("Vaccination", "Rechallenge"))~., scale="free_y")+ - theme_bw() - }else{ - g<-ggplot(table, aes(Timepoint, Volume, color=Group, group=Group))+ - theme_bw() - } - } - if (input$fig_id == "Cinética Individual"){ - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - g<-ggplot(table, aes(as.numeric(as.character(Timepoint)), Volume, color=Group, group=Group))+ - scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05)), limits = c(0, (round(max(as.numeric(as.character(table$Timepoint))) / 5)+1)*5))+ - facet_grid(factor(`ID tumor`, labels = c("Vaccination", "Rechallenge"))~Group, scale="free_y")+ - theme_bw() - }else{ - g<-ggplot(table, aes(Timepoint, Volume, color=Group, group=`ID animal`))+ - facet_wrap(.~Group)+ - theme_bw() - } - } - - g<-g+geom_errorbar(stat="summary", width=input$`errorbar-width`)+ - geom_line(stat="summary")+ - geom_point(stat="summary", size=input$`point-size`)+ - labs(x="Days after tumor challenge")+ - scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05))) - - if (input$theme == "BW"){ - g<-g+theme_bw(base_size = input$`font-size`) - } - if (input$theme == "Classic"){ - g<-g+theme_classic(base_size = input$`font-size`) - } - if (input$theme == "Default"){ - g<-g+theme_gray(base_size = input$`font-size`) - } - # g<-g+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) - if (input$legend == F){ - g<-g+guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) - } - if (input$colors != ""){ - v_col<-strsplit(input$colors, ",")[[1]] - g<-g+scale_color_manual(values=v_col)+ - scale_fill_manual(values=v_col) - } - }else{ - gg_color_hue <- function(n, l=65) { - hues <- seq(15, 375, length=n+1) - hcl(h=hues, l=l, c=100)[1:n] - } - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - g<-list() - count<-1 - for (side in c("L","R")){ - tableR<-filter(table, `ID tumor` == side) %>% filter(!is.na(Volume)) - endtime<-dcast(tableR %>% filter(Volume < cutoff), Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group~., value.var = "Timepoint", fun.aggregate = function(x){max(as.numeric(as.character(x)))}) %>% rename("end"=".") - endtime["Dead"]<-dcast(tableR, Cage+`ID animal`+`ID tumor`+Group~., value.var = "Volume", fun.aggregate = function(x){max(as.numeric(as.character(x)))}) %>% pull(".") > input$cutoff - table_tumor<<-endtime - if (input$colors != ""){ - col<-input$colors - }else{ - col<-gg_color_hue(length(unique(endtime$Group))) - } - g[[count]]<-ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(table_tumor$end, table_tumor$Dead) ~ table_tumor$Group, data=table_tumor), - pval = T, pval.method = T, - title = side, - # legend.labs = paste(c("< median", ">= median"), "MICA"), - ggtheme=theme_classic(base_size=input$`font-size`), - palette = col - ) - count<-count+1 - } - g_surv_vacc<-g - - }else{ - if (input$colors != ""){ - col<-input$colors - }else{ - col<-gg_color_hue(length(unique(table_tumor$Group))) - } - g<-ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(table_tumor$end, table_tumor$Dead) ~ table_tumor$Group, data=table_tumor), - pval = T, pval.method = T, - # legend.labs = paste(c("< median", ">= median"), "MICA"), - ggtheme=theme_classic(base_size=input$`font-size`), - palette = col - ) - } - } - - if (input$vacc == "Sí" & input$fig_id == "Survival"){ - dades$plot<<-g_surv_vacc - arrange_ggsurvplots(g, nrow=2, ncol=1) - }else{ - dades$plot<<-g - g - } - } - }, res=72) - - output$downloadPicture <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - paste("Figura", ".png", sep="") - }, - content = function(file){ - # tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "elispots.Rmd") - # file.copy("elispots.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = TRUE) - png(file, width = input$width, height=input$height, units = "px", res=720) - if (input$fig_id == "Survival"){ - if (input$vacc == "Sí"){ - arrange_ggsurvplots(dades$plot, nrow=2, ncol=1) - }else{ - arrange_ggsurvplots(list(dades$plot), ncol=1) - } - }else{plot(dades$plot)} - dev.off() - - }) - -} - -# Run the application -shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) \ No newline at end of file