- gs_export_pop<-function(gs, pop, trim.channels=T){
- pop.dt<-c()
- # Initializes the progress bar
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, # Minimum value of the progress bar
- max = length(gs), # Maximum value of the progress bar
- style = 3, # Progress bar style (also available style = 1 and style = 2)
- width = 50, # Progress bar width. Defaults to getOption("width")
- char = "=") # Character used to create the bar
- for (i in 1:length(gs)){
- samp<-sampleNames(gs)[i]
- data<-as.data.frame(flowCore::exprs(gh_pop_get_data(gs[[samp]], pop))) %>% add_column("Sample"=samp)
- if (length(pop.dt) > 0){
- pop.dt<-rbind(pop.dt, data)
- }else{
- pop.dt<-data
- }
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
- }
- close(pb)
- if (trim.channels){
- colnames(pop.dt)<-gsub(" [A-Za-z0-9.-]*","",colnames(pop.dt))
- pop.dt<-pop.dt[colnames(pop.dt)[!colnames(pop.dt) %in% c("FSC-H","SSC-H","FSC-Width","FVS")]]
- }
- return(pop.dt)
- }
- get_cut<-function(x, markers, ref, thr){
- x<-x %>%
- dplyr::filter(Condition == ref) %>%
- gather(Marker, Value, all_of(markers)) %>%
- group_by(`ID.SAR-EM`, Marker, Tiempo) %>%
- summarise(cut=predict_cut(Value, thr))
- }
- get_positive<-function(x, cut=NULL, markers, ref, thr){
- if (is.null(cut)){
- cut<-get_cut(cd8, markers = markers, ref = ref, thr = thr)
- }
- x<-merge(
- x %>% gather(Marker, Value, all_of(unique(cut$Marker))),
- cut
- )
- x<-x %>%
- mutate(Marker_cut=Value >= cut)
- x<-x %>%
- select(`ID.SAR-EM`, Tiempo, Condition, CellID, Marker, Marker_cut) %>%
- mutate(Marker_pos=paste0(Marker,".",Marker_cut)) %>%
- group_by(`ID.SAR-EM`,Tiempo, Condition, CellID) %>%
- summarise(Pheno=paste0(Marker_pos, collapse = " ")) %>%
- # mutate(Pheno=paste0("IFNg.",IFNg_p," ","TNFa.",TNFa_p," ","CD69.",CD69_p," ","CD107a.",CD107a_p)) %>%
- mutate(Pheno=gsub("[A-Za-z0-9]*.FALSE |[A-Za-z0-9]*.FALSE$| [A-Za-z0-9]*.FALSE","",Pheno),
- Pheno=gsub(".TRUE","+",Pheno),
- Pheno=gsub("^$","Neg",Pheno))
- x.dt<-x %>%
- group_by(`ID.SAR-EM`, Tiempo, Condition, Pheno) %>%
- count() %>%
- group_by(`ID.SAR-EM`, Tiempo, Condition) %>%
- mutate(perc=n*100/sum(n))
- return(x.dt)
- }
- transform_gs<-function(gs, saveparams=NULL, trans_params_obj=NULL, index=1){
- if (is.null(trans_params_obj)){
- log_mark<-colnames(gs)[!grepl("FS|SS|Time", colnames(gs))]
- trans_params<-lapply(log_mark, function(x) list(channel=x, scale="biexp",maxvalue=250000,pos=4, widthBasis=-400, max=10^3.7, min=0))
- names(trans_params)<-log_mark
- log_mark_lin<-colnames(gs)[grepl("FS|SS|Time", colnames(gs))]
- trans_params_lin<-lapply(log_mark_lin, function(x) list(channel=x, scale="lin",
- max=max(flowCore::exprs(gh_pop_get_data(gs, "root"))[,x])*1.1, min=0))
- names(trans_params_lin)<-log_mark_lin
- trans_params<-c(trans_params_lin, trans_params)
- }else{
- log_mark<-colnames(gs)[!grepl("FS|SS|Time", colnames(gs))]
- log_mark_lin<-colnames(gs)[grepl("FS|SS|Time", colnames(gs))]
- }
- shiny::runApp(shiny::shinyApp(
- ui = fluidPage(
- sidebarLayout(
- sidebarPanel(selectInput("channel", "Channel", colnames(gs), multiple = F),
- uiOutput("maxvalue"),
- uiOutput("pos"),
- uiOutput("widthBasis"),
- uiOutput("max"),
- uiOutput("min"),
- actionButton("applyBut", "Apply"),
- actionButton("stopBut", "Quit")),
- mainPanel(plotOutput("hist"))
- )
- ),
- server = function(input, output) {
- output$hist <- renderPlot({
- gs.trans<-gs_clone(gs[index])
- max<-input$max
- if (trans_params[[input$channel]]$scale == "biexp"){
- trans.obj<-flowjo_biexp_trans(maxValue = input$maxvalue, pos=input$pos,
- widthBasis=input$widthBasis)
- transList <- transformerList(input$channel, trans.obj)
- gs.trans <- transform(gs.trans, transList)
- max<-10^input$max
- }
- ggcyto(gs.trans, aes(x = .data[[input$channel]]), subset = "root")+
- geom_density(fill = "blue", alpha= 0.5)+
- ggcyto_par_set(limits = list(x = c(input$min,max)))
- })
- output$maxvalue<-renderUI({if(trans_params[[input$channel]]$scale == "biexp"){
- sliderInput("maxvalue", "maxValue", min=0, max=1000000, value=trans_params[[input$channel]]$maxvalue)}})
- output$pos<-renderUI({if(trans_params[[input$channel]]$scale == "biexp"){
- sliderInput("pos", "pos", min=0, max=10, value=trans_params[[input$channel]]$pos, step = 0.5)}})
- output$widthBasis<-renderUI({if(trans_params[[input$channel]]$scale == "biexp"){
- sliderInput("widthBasis", "widthBasis", min=-1000, max=0, value=trans_params[[input$channel]]$widthBasis)}})
- output$max<-renderUI({
- if(trans_params[[input$channel]]$scale == "biexp"){
- sliderInput("max", "Max X", min=0, max=6, value=log10(trans_params[[input$channel]]$max), step=0.1)
- }else{
- sliderInput("max", "Max X", min=0, max=trans_params[[input$channel]]$max,
- value=trans_params[[input$channel]]$max)
- }
- })
- output$min<-renderUI({
- if(trans_params[[input$channel]]$scale == "biexp"){
- sliderInput("min", "Min X", min=-1000, max=100000, value=trans_params[[input$channel]]$min)
- }else{
- sliderInput("min", "Min X", min=0, max=trans_params[[input$channel]]$max, value=trans_params[[input$channel]]$min)
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$applyBut, {
- print("Transformation and Scaling Updated!")
- if (isolate(input$channel) %in% log_mark){
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$maxvalue<<-isolate(input$maxvalue)
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$pos<<-isolate(input$pos)
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$widthBasis<<-isolate(input$widthBasis)
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$max<<-10^isolate(input$max)
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$min<<-isolate(input$min)
- }
- if (isolate(input$channel) %in% log_mark_lin){
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$max<<-isolate(input$max)
- trans_params[[isolate(input$channel)]]$min<<-isolate(input$min)
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$stopBut, {
- stopApp()
- })
- }
- ))
- trans_apply(gs, trans_params)
- print("Transformation Applied")
- if (!is.null(saveparams)){
- saveRDS(trans_params, file=saveparams)
- }
- return(trans_params)
- }
- trans_apply<-function(gs, trans_params){
- for (i in 1:length(trans_params)){
- if (trans_params[[i]]$scale == "biexp"){
- print(trans_params[[i]]$channel)
- trans.obj<-flowjo_biexp_trans(maxValue = trans_params[[i]]$maxvalue,
- pos=trans_params[[i]]$pos,
- widthBasis=trans_params[[i]]$widthBasis)
- transList <- transformerList(trans_params[[i]]$channel, trans.obj)
- gs <- transform(gs, transList)
- }
- }
- }
- ggcyto_trans<-function(gs, x, y, trans_params_obj=trans_params, subset, gates=T, stats=T, ...){
- g<-ggcyto(gs, aes(.data[[x]], .data[[y]]), subset=subset, ...)+
- ggcyto_par_set(limits = list(x = c(trans_params_obj[[x]]$min,trans_params_obj[[x]]$max),
- y=c(trans_params_obj[[y]]$min,trans_params_obj[[y]]$max)))
- if(gates==T){
- if (subset == "root"){
- gates<-gs_get_pop_paths(gs)[grepl(paste0("^/","[^/]*$"), gs_get_pop_paths(gs))]
- }else{
- gates<-gs_get_pop_paths(gs)[grepl(paste0(subset,"/","[^/]*$"), gs_get_pop_paths(gs))]
- }
- g<-g+geom_point(size=0.1, alpha=0.1)+
- geom_gate(gates)
- if (stats== T){
- g<-g+geom_stats(gates)
- }
- }
- return(g)
- }
- ggcyto_trans_all<-function(gs, index=1, trans_params_obj=trans_params, stats=T,...){
- subsets<-unlist(sapply(gs_get_pop_paths(gs), function(x) strsplit(x, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(x, "/")[[1]])-1]))
- subsets<-c("root",unique(subsets[subsets != ""]))
- g.list<-list()
- for (subset in subsets){
- if (subset == "root"){
- gates<-gs_get_pop_paths(gs)[grepl(paste0("^/","[^/]*$"), gs_get_pop_paths(gs))]
- }else{
- gates<-gs_get_pop_paths(gs)[grepl(paste0(subset,"/","[^/]*$"), gs_get_pop_paths(gs))]
- }
- subset.x<-names(gs_pop_get_gate(gs, gates[1])[[1]]@parameters)[1]
- subset.y<-names(gs_pop_get_gate(gs, gates[1])[[1]]@parameters)[2]
- g.list[[subset]]<-ggcyto::as.ggplot(ggcyto_trans(gs[[index]], subset.x, subset.y,
- trans_params_obj, subset, stats=stats))
- }
- g<-do.call(ggpubr::ggarrange, c(g.list, ...))
- g<-ggpubr::annotate_figure(g, top = ggpubr::text_grob(sampleNames(gs)[index],
- color = "black", face = "bold", size = 14))
- return(g)
- }
- LMD2FCS<-function(files, output.dir=NULL){
- if(is.null(output.dir)){
- route<-paste0(gsub("/[^/]*$","",files[1]),"/")
- }
- for (lmd in files){
- lmd<-gsub(".*/","",lmd)
- fcs<-read.FCS(paste0(route,lmd), dataset = 2)
- keyword(fcs)['$FIL']<-paste0(gsub(".LMD","",lmd), ".fcs")
- write.FCS(fcs, paste0(route, gsub(".LMD","",lmd), ".fcs"))
- }
- print("Conversión completada")
- }
- gates_save<-function(gs, file="gates.rds", save=T, include=NULL){
- gates.list<-list()
- pop_paths_full<-gs_get_pop_paths(gs)[gs_get_pop_paths(gs) != "root"]
- if(!is.null(include)){pop_paths_full<-pop_paths_full[pop_paths_full %in% include]}
- pop_paths<-lapply(pop_paths_full, function(x) rev(rev(strsplit(x, "/")[[1]])[1:2]))
- for (gate.in in 1:length(pop_paths)){
- gate<-pop_paths[[gate.in]]
- parent<-if (gate[1] == ""){"root"}else{gate[1]}
- gated_pop<-gate[2]
- gates.list[[paste0(parent,"/",gated_pop)]]<-gs_pop_get_gate(gs, pop_paths_full[gate.in])
- }
- if(save){saveRDS(gates.list, file)}
- return(gates.list)
- }
- gates_apply<-function(gs, gates, exact=T){
- if (exact){
- for (gate in names(gates)){
- parent<-strsplit(gate, "/")[[1]][1]
- gated_pop<-strsplit(gate, "/")[[1]][2]
- gs_pop_add(gs, gates[[gate]], parent=parent, name=gated_pop)
- print(paste0("Gate ",gated_pop," applied!"))
- }
- }else{
- for (gate in names(gates)){
- parent<-strsplit(gate, "/")[[1]][1]
- gated_pop<-strsplit(gate, "/")[[1]][2]
- gs_pop_add(gs, gates[[gate]][[1]], parent=parent, name=gated_pop)
- print(paste0("Gate ",gated_pop," applied!"))
- }
- }
- recompute(gs)
- return(gs)
- }
- gs_pop_get_children_recursive<-function(gs, pop){
- childrens<-c()
- n<-0
- childrens<-c(childrens, gs_pop_get_children(gs, pop))
- while(n != length(childrens)){
- n<-length(childrens)
- for (i in 1:length(childrens)){
- childrens<-c(childrens, gs_pop_get_children(gs, childrens[i]))
- }
- childrens<-unique(childrens)
- }
- return(childrens)
- }
- gs_gate_interactive_regate2<-function(gs, filterId, sample=1, subset="root", ...){
- dims<-list(names(gs_pop_get_gate(gs, filterId)[[1]]@parameters)[1],
- names(gs_pop_get_gate(gs, filterId)[[1]]@parameters)[2])
- childrens<-gs_pop_get_children_recursive(gs, filterId)
- childrens_gate<-gates_save(gs, save=F, include=childrens)
- gs_pop_add(gs, gs_pop_get_gate(gs, filterId), parent=subset, name="duplicated")
- gs_gate_interactive(gs,
- subset = subset,
- filterId = filterId,
- sample=sample,
- dims = dims, regate=T, overlayGates = "duplicated")
- gs_pop_remove(gs, "duplicated")
- gates_apply(gs, childrens_gate)
- }